- The journal only accepts English as the language used in its articles. Submissions are expected to have good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. All submissions must provide a 100-250-word abstract and at least 4 keywords for indexing purposes.
- Upon confirmation of manuscript submission, research proponents shall sign a commitment form from the journal organizers to ensures commitment on publication’s process up to completion.
- All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review; both the referee and the contributor will remain anonymous throughout the review process. The author/s upon submission should ensure that author identification has been removed in the article. The authors must delete their names from the entire article including references and citations and have inserted “Author” in its place. Titles of published papers by the authors have been replaced with “Deleted for Peer Review.”
- Submissions should be formatted with 11 points font size and 1.5 line spacing. Quotations that exceeds four lines should be indented and single-spaced.
- All submissions should strictly be in the Microsoft Word document format (.doc or .docx) only. Submissions in another format such as .pdf, .rtf, or .pages will be invalidated and excluded from the refereeing process. Please see Manuscript template
- By submitting to the MATRIX journal, you are agreeing to the conditions set by the Copyright Page of the journal. See Publication Ethics Page
- For complete checklist for manuscript preparation, please check Manuscript Preparation Checklist